a teacher, Olivia’s situation may be alarming at first. Teaching in a school
with students that have a lack of technological resources may begin to make
teaching these students difficult and definitely changes the curricula that you
must enforce. The fact that she is intrigued and knowledgeable about technology does help me as
a teacher to influence her career path and knowing what she is capable of. The
students in the second video are taking technology to a new level. They make us
realize how important technology is to those who are growing up today. It is
not just a necessity but a lifestyle. They are able to use to it to make things
better and more extreme but also use it for the social networking and social convenience.
has always been part of my life whether it was for work, school, or simply just
for fun. Growing up now is an entirely different world than it used to be,
technology is a key to survival in this up and coming world. When using the
computer, the most important thing to me on it would be Microsoft programs and
research for school. My computer is very education based rather than being used
for fun or social media like most in these videos and as students in general.
Microsoft Word is my best friend as an English major for every single paper or
journal I compose. Microsoft Excel has been a savior when it comes to
technology for my work place. Whether it is creating schedules or time sheets
Excel is a knight in shining armor when needing to create formulas and easy
tables. I have also recently been using it to create class lists for attendance
and grade book sheets.
Excel and Word I am always looking for new ways to create worksheets and games
that I can use within my classroom. I also am always looking for new ways to
make life a little easier for me when I am in a classroom. As I enter classroom
I realize that technology and students’ abilities to work with technology are
increasing. While going to school, I am not keeping up with all the new
technology that I should be.
next piece of technology that I see as a survival piece in my life is my iPod.
Not only do I love my iPod but the computer is needed to listen to music and
also create CD’s. Music is a type of media that helps me get through the day.
Music helps me concentrate, helps me work out, and helps me clear my head.
Searching YouTube for new music is fascinating to me and always being able to
share my music is something that having in my life is important. In this way I
am similar to the students in the videos rather than different from them.
love for music always has me searching for new sites to listen to music and
using old sties that no one uses anymore. In teaching music is a great tool to
have the students understand concepts along with getting them to be interactive
and up and about.
third piece of technology that means a lot to me is my phone. I was not allowed
to have a phone until I graduated high school. For this reason I don’t take my
phone for granted and I use it for things that it needs to be used for. My
phone is mostly used to contacting people about school and work along with
having my email on my phone. This makes me different yet again similar to those
in the videos. Not having a phone growing up makes me different than most
children I grew up with and those who are growing up now.
differ from a lot of these students because I am not addicted to my phone. I
thoroughly enjoyed not having my phone until I graduated high school, but I do
love the convenience of being able to contact people when needed now. My phone
keeps me in the loop during school with emails about classes and events. Not
only does it keep my updated but it allows for me to make emails in my down
time rather than having to do them all on a computer when I have time to sit
down. I am like these students because it is important for me to keep in
contact with my friends and family via text message.
ReplyDeleteI think that as teachers we absolutely have to worry about students not having the same access to technology. Some families may not be able to afford what others can. The fact that it is so prevalent in education can cause issues for certain students. When you said that technology is the "key to survival" I totally agree, and it clicked that technology is only going to get more and more important. When you say that you use it for work I realized that so many jobs require you to know how to use various technologies ESPECIALLY Microsoft programs. As teachers, being able to use these programs, like you said, helps us to be creative and come up with better ways to teach and keep updating ou lessons. When I thought of technology it never even crossed my mind how music is a big part of it as well. All of these things can be used in the classroom, like your example of the smartboard. I had a teacher in high school that had her laptop out every day. She used powerpoint, word, music, online programs like youtube and jeopardy; and her class was my favorite! Since teens are so in to technology when we use it in the classroom it grabs their attention.
I agree with how you said Olivia’s situation with technology could be alarming. I do think teachers will find it difficult to change the curriculum fitted around students’ accessibility to technology. Technology is very important in kids who are growing up today, and it is somewhat like a “lifestyle”. I did not even think about Microsoft programs when I did this assignment, they are definitely crucial for students today.
ReplyDeleteDanielle, I feel the same exact way towards music and how it's one of those things that every person can agree on. Students, especially, rely on music as a way to both find inspiration for their ideas and to cope with the frustrations with everyday life. Music can also have a strong impact on our content area: English. One of my teachers in a past played us certain styles of rap in order to relate to poetry. Since one of the artists was Eminem, we were immediately able to make that connection to the subject that she was relating to. I also feel that some students share the same reaction towards Microsoft Word such as you in that it's much easier jotting down words on a keyboard when they're fresh in your mind as opposed to using a pen or pencil on paper. For some students, it's much easier to write the rough drafts of a paper on a program that self-spell checks. Things such as music and Microsoft Word are going to be sticking around for a very long time, so as a teacher, it is important to know those types of things. I agree.
ReplyDeleteDanielle, I share the same love for music as you do! I cannot imagine what I would do without my iPod or YouTube. Aspiring to be a music teacher, I will definitely be needing the Internet and my iPod to share music with my students. I will also need to search for music to show them and use the internet as a tool for teaching. I love to share my music with others as well because it gets me excited when I see others learning. In the classroom, students can learn movement and dance along with music, as well as critical thinking. YouTube can be used to show various instruments being played and other styles and cultures around the world. Students can learn so much from such a tool!